Please use the Chat Widget or simply complete the form below and let me know how I can help you!
Skincare Service Consent Requirement
All required fields must be completed.
What made you book a facial today?
Please Select
Relaxation/Self Care Time
Dark Spots/Pigmentation Issues
Aging Skin/Wrinkles/Sagging Skin
Help with skincare routine
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Are you Pregnant or Breastfeeding?
Type here...
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Do you have any allergies
Please Select
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Have you ever had any of these treatments?
Please Select
Chemical Peels
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Resurfacing
None of the above
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List is empty.
If yes when did you get them? Did you have any complications?
Are you currently using any of the following ?
Please Select
Retinol/Retinoids/Tretinoin Vitamin A derivatives
Glycolic Acid
Adapalene (Differin)
Topical Steroids
Isotretinoin (Accutane)
None of the above
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List is empty.
Can I take before / after pictures for you and use it on social media?
Please Select
Not Sure
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List is empty.
Would you like scalp massage?
Consent Form for Virtual and in Person Treatments
Please read carefully and sign after reading. All risks and side effects will be discussed at your appointment with your practitioner. Any questions you have will also be answered.
I understand that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications and/or irritation to the skin from treatments received. The treatments I receive here are voluntary and therefore I release this business and/or affiliated skin care professional from liability and assume full responsibility thereof. I hereby consent to and authorize MySkinByMichelle to obtain personal and past information for the purposes of skin care recommendations. I have also, to the best of my knowledge, given an accurate account of my medical history, including all known allergies or prescription drugs or products I am currently ingesting or using topically. I have read and fully understood this agreement and all information detailed above. I understand and accept the risks. I consent to the terms of this agreement. I do not hold MySkinByMichelle responsible for any of my conditions that were present, but not disclosed at the time of this skin care procedure, which may be affected by the treatment performed today.I understand, have read and completed this questionnaire truthfully. I agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.